Thursday, 13 November 2014


A gruesome word disguising a more gruesome activity, child trafficking is best described as an inhuman blight upon the civilized world. To put it in layman terms, children are used as a form of currency for various illegal activities. An apt description would define it as the "recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, and/or receipt" of a child for the purpose of exploitation. It is a rampant activity in many parts of the worlds. And an estimate by the International Labour organisation puts the number at 1.2 million annually. Even though it has been internationally recognised as a major human rights violation, only recently are the efforts to tackle it are becoming prevalent and decisive.

Well, a prominent question that arises is, why? Why is a child drawn into a savage and barbaric world, and his innocence skewered by trauma and suffering? In all cases, the intended use of the child is not always known. But the major objectives of child trafficking would be Forced child labour, child begging. Child labour refers to the employment of children under 14 years. Overall, child labour can take many forms, including domestic servitude, work in agriculture, service, and manufacturing industries.

Forced child begging is a type of begging in which boys and girls under the age of eighteen are forced to beg through psychological and physical coercion. The severity of this form of trafficking is starting to gain global recognition, with the European Union, the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the United Nations, among others, beginning to emphasize its pertinence. In many instances children who are forced to beg by third parties are often removed from their families, surrender the majority of their income to their exploiter, endure unsafe work and living conditions, and are at times maimed to increase profits. To ensure that these children are fully lured into this vicious system, children are maimed so that other means of livelihood are closed to them. Furthermore, many of the gangs which run networks of forced begging have heavy drug involvement, thus the children under their control are often turned into drug addicts in order for them to become further reliant on their exploiters.
The children face abuse on a daily basis, which dents their psychological well being and also deteriorating mental and physical health. These children receive little or no education and have little hope for the future. Children who work on the streets typically have little or no knowledge of their rights, leaving them especially susceptible to exploitation both as juveniles and later as adults.

There have been many approaches defined to tackle the issue of child trafficking, but a victim-centered human rights approach to combating trafficking has been internationally renowned as the best possible strategy when addressing this issue, with recourse focusing on punishing the exploiter and rehabilitating the child. In many instances the victims are often punished for unlawful acts performed as a direct result of being trafficked. Also, the victims must be given protection and the exploiters must be prosecuted to truly have any impact. The victims, even though rescued from such a racket, must be provided with a means of sustenance. Even though a person may be rehabilitated, the effect on the mind will be felt throughout his/her life. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

Child Labor in India – A DISCOMFORTING TRUTH!

How many of us actually know “what child labor is?” Child Labor means -Children under 14 years of age, some as young as 4 or 5, toiling hard every day just to get a square meal.

In INDIA, a country with humongous population of 120 crores we often witness situations, involving a 7-year old serving chai/ an 8-year old washing cars/ 12-year old as delivery boys, and yet we conveniently choose to avoid them. Many industries, factories, small retailers and many more employ children to work because this basically gets their work done without burning a hole in their pocket. Just imagine a daily life situation where a 6-7 year old child delivers tea at your office, do you ever think what is his age was and when his last perfect meal was? No. Cause we all are too ignorant. Why do we become inhumane for that moment? Yes, this is a discomforting truth.

Absence of compulsory education at the primary level, parental ignorance regarding the bad effects of child labor, the lack of implementation of child labor laws and penalties, non-availability and non-accessibility of schools, boring and unpractical school curriculum and cheap child labor are the main factors in India which lead to child labor. Indian is home to close 13 million Child Laborers (census 2001). The Indian Constitution says that child labor is a wrong practice and standards should be set by law to eliminate it. The Child Labor Act of 1986 implemented by the government of India makes child labor illegal in many regions and sets the minimum age of employment at 14 years. Exploiters threaten kids in many ways and the child has no way out but to lie to keep his “job.”

UNICEF estimates that India with its larger population has the highest number of laborers in the world less than 14 years of age, while sub-Saharan African countries have the highest percentage of children who are deployed as child labor. Government statistics say that there are 2 crore (20 million) child laborers in India, a country that has ambitions of becoming a global superpower in a few years. Non-governmental agencies assert that the figure is more than 6 crore (60 million) including agricultural workers; some claim that the number could be 100 million, if one were to define all children out of school as child laborers.

In 2013, 920 prosecutions and 596 child labor law convictions took place. In previous years, despite rescue and rehabilitation of child laborers, prosecutions have not always taken place. In cases for which child labor prosecutions were launched, resolution has been unduly delayed because the judicial system is backlogged and overburdened. The Ministry of Home Affairs issued guidelines to all state governments on how to handle cases of child trafficking. These guidelines outline the specific steps that police and district officials must take when handling cases of child trafficking and forced child labor. In 2013, the state governments of Andhra Pradesh, Kolkata, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu provided anti-trafficking training to police officers.

Complaints about hazardous child labor can be made through a toll-free helpline, Child Line. In 2013, Child Line expanded to 67 additional cities and now operates in a total of 269 cities across India. After a complaint is received on Child Line (1098), the complaint is given to the police to investigate and rescue children.
Thousands of affluent Indians hire youngsters for household chores and to look after their own kids, under the pretext of providing some money to the parents of the child laborers and of offering a better life than he/she would normally have had. This is Bonded Child Labor. An estimated 14 percent of children in India between the ages of 5 and 14 are engaged in child labor activities, including carpet production.

Many NGOs like Bachpan Bachao Andolan, Care India, Talaash Association, Child Rights and You, etc. have been working to eradicate child labour in India. Looking at a various above-mentioned factors, we at Hcube-Human Helping Hands believe that this grotesque, abysmal, and awful practice of child labor can be eradicated from this Indian Society. We pledge to lend a helping hand to those children and admit these child labors to the nearest orphanages where they’ll be taken care of, and see to it that the person employing them will be punished.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Child abuse (­The hidden demon)

Child abuse is the physical emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children. Children in their early years are dependent on adults (Their parents, guardians etc). This makes them vulnerable to various forms of abuse like neglect, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse.  Dealing with these types of abuse should be of utmost priority to the governing bodies.

Physical abuse involves physical aggression directed at a child by an adult. Bruises, scratches, burns, broken bones, lacerations, as well as repeated "mishaps," and rough treatment that could cause physical injury, can be physical abuse. Most of the physical abuse occurs as a result of child discipline. Corporal punishment, has since then been considered as degrading treatment by the Human Rights commission of the United Nations. Our culture, unfortunately considers corporal punishment as an effective way of disciplining the child. Though it achieves the temporary goal of making a child obedient, it doesn’t make him understand why. This leads to emotional and physical trauma, which is ultimately degrading to the child.

Emotional abuse is defined as the production of psychological and social defects in the growth of a child as a result of behaviour such as loud yelling, coarse and rude attitude, inattention, harsh criticism, and denigration of the child's personality. This leads to the child distancing himself from the abuser, and trying to fight back against the abuser. All this induces a feeling of helplessness in the child.
 Child neglect is the failure of a parent or other person with responsibility for the child to provide needed food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision to the degree that the child's health, safety, and well-being are threatened with harm. Neglecting a child could have serious repercussions on his ability to mingle with people socially and forming relationships.

Child abuse can result in immediate adverse physical effects but it is also strongly associated with associated with developmental issues and with many chronic physical and psychological effects. Also, maltreated children may grow up to be maltreating adults.

Effective ways to address the issue of child abuse is to eradicate child labour. Child labour is considered to be a form of exploitation and abuse of children. Paediatricians can help identify children at risk of maltreatment and intervene with the aid of a social worker or provide access to treatment that addresses potential risk factors such as maternal depression. And also awareness should be spread among adults to ensure that they do not mistreat their children, and ensure that they are not vulnerable, emotionally or physically.

Let it be a responsibility for us to stop the abuse of children, and fight back against the perpetrators of the vilest form of violation of human rights and ensure that this world is made a better place for children to grow and interact in. Let their lives bask in joy and happiness.

Thursday, 30 October 2014


Diwali- “The Festival of lights”, can never be better than lightening the lives of many people in the world. The same has been done by The Hcube team during Diwali, by their thoughts of not only trying to brighten the lives of the kids but by also trying to fill colors in their lives.

The celebrations had started a day before Diwali itself. On 22 October 2014, the team of H cube had visited Grace Foundation, Sainikpuri and distributed Stationery items such as pens, pencils, books, etc., and also some refreshments. They have also tried to brighten the place by lighting diyas in the premises of the building. The team had spent time with the kids by talking to them.

The celebrations did not end there itself, it continued even on the day of Diwali. The Hcube team had visited Valmiki Foundation on 23 October 2014. As a part of the festival, the kids were given stationery items and some refreshments. The team tried spending time with the kids by playing cricket and speaking to the kids.

The team had only ensured that the kids had spent a really good time, but also ensured a safe and eco-friendly Diwali, by saying no to crackers. On the whole, Hcube has made a small contribution from its end.


Sunday, 31 August 2014

Color Carnival


Color Carnival is a Drawing Competition conducted by H3-Human Helping Hands, a group of motivated people, an organization run by a number of dedicated volunteers who have keen interest in helping Orphan Children & making their lives better.


We are doing this for a noble cause as the money collected through this event is going to be used in providing basic necessities for those orphans who do not have many facilities as much as a common child does. We look forward to fill some lives with bright colors, who did not even imagine they would see soo many colors in their life!


Event was conducted on July 15th 2014, in Pallavi Model School (both branches.)


We reached our first school, Pallavi Model School, Bowenpally at 7:45am on the 15th of july. The competition started at 8:00 am sharp with 63 participants. We had some mesmerizing drawings & the competition was held till 10:00 am. After that we started to the next school Pallavi Model School,Alwal & reached it by 11:00. The competition there was held from 11:30 & went on till 1:00 with 109 participants. Overall we had some great artists & really talented people.


I would like to conclude that this event, being the first fund-raiser event of H3-Human Helping Hands, was a great success & I hope that we will conduct many successful events in the coming future with the same enthusiasm & spirit.


  • Kishore Khed
  • Aashna joshi
  • Maithili Dhavala
  • Ujjwal Sancheti
  • Chaitanya Bomb
  • Vidhi Bomb
  • Abhay Joshi
  • Harshini Nunna

for more pictures click here

Monday, 7 July 2014


Poverty. For a long while now, this word has been synonymous with India on a global scale. As outrageous as it sounds, the fact remains that one third of the World's Poor are from our country.

 Many people fail to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Though poverty as a percentage of the whole has been reduced, in terms of absolute numbers, it is growing at an alarming rate. The scale of continuing extreme poverty in India, despite its economy nudging growth rates of nine per cent in recent years, highlights what government strategists have called its "ticking time bomb". Its population is expected to reach 1.5 billion and become the world's largest nation by 2026 but its economy is not growing fast enough to create the 20 million new jobs per year we will need to prevent poverty increasing further.

                                 There is no single cause for this social evil, instead a multitude of reasons which complement each other strengthen poverty. One of the major leading causes stated is Overpopulation. It is also stated that overpopulation is a result of poverty. Its problems are compounded by poor health services, child malnutrition and inadequate education and training. Almost half of pupils drop out of school by the age of 13 and only one in ten people have received any form of job training. India's status has gone down despite the economic growth, inequality has widened which makes the poor poorer. In child mortality, infant mortality and maternal mortality, India seems to have the largest populations in all these categories. Another reason factoring in for the growth of poverty in the 1980s-2000s is the economic policies of India. India had started out in the 1950s with high growth rates, openness to trade and investment, a promotional state, social expenditure awareness and macro stability but ended the 1980s with low growth rates, closure to trade and investment, a license-obsessed restrictive state (License Raj), inability to sustain social expenditures and macro instability, indeed economic crisis.

                                      Efforts to alleviate poverty have not been successful because the rate of poverty reduction lags behind the rapid population growth rate. Eradication of poverty is right now considered only to be a long term goal. But an indirect result can be achieved by curbing the rates of malnutrition among children as well as child mortality, infant mortality and maternal mortality. Better healthcare facilities and provision of food form the backbone for the solution to poverty. Another major factor is education. Educating children and improving the literacy rate in our country can catalyse poverty alleviation. Increasing stress on education, reservation of seats in government jobs and the increasing empowerment of women and the economically weaker sections of society are also expected to contribute to the alleviation of poverty.

 Fundamentally, poverty is the inability of getting choices and opportunities, a violation of human dignity. It means lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in society.Fundamentally, poverty is the inability of getting choices and opportunities, a violation of human dignity. It means lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in society. Unless poverty has been tackled effectively, no real progress in development can be achieved. But now, we are better equipped to deal with poverty. Poverty alleviation is expected to make better progress in the next 50 years than in the past, as a trickle-down effect of the growing middle class. Reduction in poverty levels has a long way to go yet and in this battle Education is our weapon.                                     

Human Helping Hands

Children constitute principle assets of any country. 
Children’s Development is as important as the development of material resources and the best way to develop national human resources is to take care of children. India has the largest child population in the world.
All out efforts are being made by India for the development and welfare of children.  Significant progress has been made in many fields in assuring children their basic rights.  However, much remains to be done. The country renews its commitment and determination to give the highest priority to the basic needs and rights of all children. Children are most vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

Human Helping Hands
 is an organization run by a number of dedicated volunteers who have keen interest in helping Orphan Children who at a very young age face many hurdles in the journey of life.
We being the upcoming youth of INDIA want to take part in social service to save and preserve present children, the future citizens.

'Giving education is our fight, it's your birth right'

This noble initiative was taken by a group of volunteers interested in helping unfortunate people to the maximum extent & decided to bring about a change in the lives of these un-blossomed seeds:
 *Educating children
 *Providing them with basic needs like clothes and housing etc through different orphanages
 *Helping poor children with books and stationary
 *Providing them better tutors and creating peaceful environment
 *By abolishing Child Labour, Child Marriages
 *Spreading Awareness

We are committed to provide the basic things to those unfortunate people. We have a continuous goal, to provide support, share experiences, make those unfortunate people realize that they are not alone in this battle of life.We choose to focus on the individual child and the challenges they may face. We emphasize their abilities, not their disabilities.

'Creating awareness is our intention and education is our weapon'
"Our goal is to continue to help the unfortunate people of this country, but we can only do that with your continued support! "